Early Literacy Resources for Parents & Caregivers
Recommended by Patrice Baker, M.Ed., Early Intervention Specialist, SAU 41 & SAU 90
Developmental Milestones and Brain-Building Tips
Supporting Early Literacy: tools from the The Children’s Reading Foundation
Social emotional development in young children: why it matters and what to do
Developmental milestones: “what should my child be doing at this age?”
Vroom Tips™ help you do more with everyday moments. Add learning to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, or anytime with 1,000+ fun, free activities. There is an app too!
Zero to Three: resources focused on the first three years of life –which are the most important for lifelong mental health and well-being.
Parentchildhelp.org parenting blog and info on topics ranging from sleep to daily routines to tantrums (sign up for the newsletter)
Just in Time Parenting: a free parenting newsletter delivered by email and specific to your child’s age and needs.
Early Intervention Birth To 3 Family Centered Early Supports & Services: for young children who have, or are at risk for, developmental delay.
Parent Information Center: Provides support for families with children/youth with disabilities and/or special health care needs
One Sky: support for children with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorders
Tel: 603-436-6111
Fact sheets on specific disabilities from The Center for Parent Information and Resources
Maneuvering the Maze is a Resource Guide for NH families with children with special health care needs/disabilities
Community Resources
Hampton Community Coalition is an all-volunteer nonprofit community action group working to improve the health and well-being of Hampton Area children and families, particularly those caught in difficult life transitions or without a permanent home.
Food Security Resources detail local foodbanks.
Annie's Angels help New Hampshire families struggling financially through a life-threatening disease, illness or disability.
Step Up Parents provide financial assistance to grandparents/kinship caregivers raising children of parents with substance use disorder.
I Got Bridged is focused on bridging the gap for people in need on the Seacoast.
Child Care Aware of NH is a statewide child care resource and referral program that provides free referrals tailored to meet each family's needs
Family Connections Center provides free family supports and services for those with an incarcerated loved one
Southern New Hampshire Services offers resources for child care, nutrition, education, workforce, housing, fuel to help families with economic independence