Early Literacy Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Recommended by Patrice Baker, M.Ed., Early Intervention Specialist, SAU 41 & SAU 90

Developmental Milestones and Brain-Building Tips

  • Supporting Early Literacy: tools from the The Children’s Reading Foundation

  • Social emotional development in young children: why it matters and what to do

  • Developmental milestones: “what should my child be doing at this age?”

  • Vroom Tips™ help you do more with everyday moments. Add learning to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime, or anytime with 1,000+ fun, free activities. There is an app too!

  • Zero to Three: resources focused on the first three years of life –which are the most important for lifelong mental health and well-being.

  • Parentchildhelp.org parenting blog and info on topics ranging from sleep to daily routines to tantrums (sign up for the newsletter)

  • Just in Time Parenting: a free parenting newsletter delivered by email and specific to your child’s age and needs.

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s development:
  • Early Intervention Birth To 3 Family Centered Early Supports & Services: for young children who have, or are at risk for, developmental delay.

  • Parent Information Center: Provides support for families with children/youth with disabilities and/or special health care needs

  • One Sky: support for children with developmental disabilities or acquired brain disorders 

    • Tel: 603-436-6111

  • Fact sheets on specific disabilities from The Center for Parent Information and Resources

  • Maneuvering the Maze is a Resource Guide for NH families with children with special health care needs/disabilities

Community Resources

  • Hampton Community Coalition is an all-volunteer nonprofit community action group working to improve the health and well-being of Hampton Area children and families, particularly those caught in difficult life transitions or without a permanent home.

  • Food Security Resources detail local foodbanks.

  • Annie's Angels help New Hampshire families struggling financially through a life-threatening disease, illness or disability.

  • Step Up Parents provide financial assistance to grandparents/kinship caregivers raising children of parents with substance use disorder.

  • I Got Bridged is focused on bridging the gap for people in need on the Seacoast. 

  • Child Care Aware of NH is a statewide child care resource and referral program that provides free referrals tailored to meet each family's needs

  • Family Connections Center provides free family supports and services for those with an incarcerated loved one

  • Southern New Hampshire Services offers resources for child care, nutrition, education, workforce, housing, fuel to help families with economic independence