Mini Movers Play Group

Play, connect, and learn with Patrice Baker, M.Ed

Mini Movers is our weekly collaborative program with Patrice Baker, M.Ed., the Early Interventionist Coordinator from SAU 21. From 9:30-11, families with children aged 0-4 are invited for a free playtime and opportunity to chat with other caregivers. Pre-registration not required, but please sign-in at the Youth Services desk to get a name tag!

Pre-K Storytime

Friday morning music & movement storytime

Children from birth to pre-K and their caregivers are invited to join Miss Amanda every Friday at 9:30 AM for a story, music and movement, and a craft or sensory activity. Our storytime implements elements from the research-based Early Literacy skills and practices (Chicago Library Early Literacy) and assists in the development of fine- and gross-motor skills, socio-emotional growth, and emotional regulation skills.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Read 1000 books before kindergarten for some special rewards!

Studies show that a child who reads 1000 books from birth to Kindergarten has more success in school as they grow older.

Here at Seabrook Library, we provide a variety of incentives to support young children's and caregivers' enthusiasm for reading together and building a love for books. 

Congratulations to our 2024 1000 Books Before Kindergarten achievers: Elijah, Joshua, Aurora, Lincoln, Lucas, and Oliver!

How do we join?

Stop in to the library and see Amanda, our Head of Youth Services, to register. Each child will receive a packet of reading logs, some coloring pages, and an information sheet about the program. 

How do we track our progress?

The reader (or their caregiver) can mark/color/place a sticker on each book icon on the log. Once the child fills the log with 100 books, they will receive a small prize and their animal will be moved up to the next spot on the achivements wall. You can turn in as many logs at one time as desired.

Logging book titles is not required for the program, but some participants find it useful for their own reference. Any reading counts for the log - repetition is allowed and encouraged!

What happens when we finish the program?

We celebrate all achievers of the 1000 books milestone each summer during our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten "Graduation" party. Each child is recognized with a certificate, a brand new book, and cake!